
Summit Capital | circle-bg

Business Advisory

We support founders to make the positive and financially successful decisions they need to lead their company into the future.

We empower our founders to have the clarity and confidence to make clear decisions and coach them along the journey. You are the expert in your business, but the knowledge to create a successful future-focused business is not always inherent.

We provide a sounding board, strategic advice and work with you to build your confidence and capacity to make positive strategic decisions.

This journey involves identifying where you are now and where you want your business to be, and we help formulate the plan to get there.


We invest in people and ideas.

This means when we choose to invest in your business, we believe in what you are doing and want to help you get there.

It means we’ll be there for the whole journey – from startup to publicly listed company, and we’ll hold your hand on the way there.

Our group of investors has worked for startups, have started startups, have run successful companies and have grown and sold highly profitable enterprises. We’ve been down in the dirt and all the way at the top. And we know what a commercially viable business looks like when we see one.

Our investment can help you reach these heights.

How to get funding for a startup

Business Support

Within our network is a broad range of likeminded business professionals from various sectors who are invested in growing people.

By working with us, you have access to this pool of experienced professionals and can leverage their expertise within your business to drive growth.

The right business support can be a tough hurdle to overcome in the early stages of business development – who to use, when to use them and why.

This is a unique offering we provide to our clients who need the injection of an experienced team of business leaders to see their business capacity evolve.

What’s your idea? Connect with us.

Finance for starting a new business
Ideas that scale and grow.
Ideas that scale and grow.
Ideas that scale and grow.
Ideas that scale and grow.
Ideas that scale and grow.
Ideas that scale and grow.
Ideas that scale and grow.
Ideas that scale and grow.